
Conference topics / sessions / PROGRAMME

Innovative Food Science and Bioprocesses

This conference session includes the following topics: Food engineering, Food packaging, Food safety, Food preservation, Food biotechnology, Beverage biotechnology, Fermentation technology, Microbial biotechnology, Food waste and byproducts valorisation, Nutrition, Added-value food, Enzimology, Microbiology, Methods of food analysis.

Nutraceuticals and Pharmaceuticals

This conference session includes the following topics: Advances in pharmaceutical technology, Pharmaceutical nanotechnology, Particle engineering, Extraction techniques, Innovations in drug delivery, Modern pharmaceutical analysis, Pharmaceutical formulations, Herbal medicines and formulations, Probiotics, Protein supplements, Immunonutrition, Bioactive nutraceuticals, Lifestyle and health.

Sustainable Development, Chemical and Environmental Engineering

This conference session includes the following topics: Renewable energy, Waste management and valorization, Green technologies, Water and wastewater treatment, Remediation, Cleaner production, Zero emission, Pollutants monitoring and management, Risk assessment, Energy efficiency, Lifecycle assessment, Catalytic engineering, Mathematical modeling and simulation, Reactor engineering, Process intensification, optimization, dynamics and control.

Materials Design and Applications

This conference session includes the following topics: Ceramic materials, Polymeric materials, Composites, Nano and hybrid materials, Biomaterials, Recycled materials, Functional and smart materials, Refractory, cement and clays, Materials design, Materials characterization, Materials processing, Materials applications, Materials for protection and conservation in cultural heritage.

Petroleum Refining and Production

This conference session includes the following topics:
Refining, Petrochemicals, Gas processing, Petroleum products, Petroleum and natural gas production, Environmental control in oil industry, Equipment and integrated processes modelling and optimization, Chemistry of petrochemical processes, Catalysts in petroleum refining, Emulsions and oil treating equipment.

Conference program

The preliminary Conference program will be available in July 2019
The final Conference program with presentation schedule will be published on the coference website one month prior to the Conference.

ICAPP programme you can find here

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